
Hi,.TheChatpluginwasworkingonmywebsiteinsafari,butseemstohavestoppedworking.ThisisiniOSandMacOS.ItworksfineinChrome.,Hi,.Imlookingtoinstallfacebooksownchatplugin,thisisthecodethatIhavetoinstallontothewebsite,butIkeepgettingamessagesayingThis ...,3年前—ThisisanunofficialtemplatefortheFacebookCustomerChatSDK.YoucanuseittoloadthechatSDKandtoattacheventhandlerstothe ...,4年前—attribution=setup_too...

Chat Plugin on Website stopped working in Safari but works in ...

Hi,. The Chat plugin was working on my website in safari, but seems to have stopped working. This is in iOS and Mac OS. It works fine in Chrome.

Facebook Chat pLugin

Hi,. Im looking to install facebooks own chat plugin, this is the code that I have to install on to the website, but I keep getting a message saying This ...

Facebook Customer Chat

3 年前 — This is an unofficial template for the Facebook Customer Chat SDK. You can use it to load the chat SDK and to attach event handlers to the ...

Facebook Customer Chat

4 年前 — attribution=setup_tool. page_id=123456789012345. theme_color=#7646ff. logged_in_greeting=您好,有什麼需要提供協助的! logged_out_greeting ...

Facebook Messenger聊天应用是否可以与第三方 ...

... attribution=setup_tool page_id=your-page-id> </div>. 以上代码首先引入了Facebook的JavaScript SDK,并初始化Messenger应用。然后,通过调用 FB.getLoginStatus ...

How to Add Facebook Messenger Chat to Your Website

attribution=setup_tool. page_id=ENTER YOUR PAGE ID HERE>. </div>. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to ...

html 安裝fb message 插件 - 程式分享

4 年前 — ... attribution=setup_tool page_id=<face ID> greeting_dialog_display=fade theme_color=#0084FF> </div>. arrow. 全站熱搜. 生活導航王 ...

What is the difference between "biz_inbox" and "setup_tool ...

2 年前 — What is the difference between biz_inbox and setup_tool as attribution attribute on the Facebook SDK for JavaScript code below?

網站安裝Facebook Messenger 客服聊天室- 2019

5 年前 — ... attribution=setup_tool page_id=$FB_FANS_ID> </div>. 這段程式碼只要放在頁面的</body> 之前,就可以自己產生Facebook Messenger 囉~. 註:需要在 ...

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具
